Sunday, August 30, 2009

DELFINWorld: Testimonial

"There is a saying: “when the pupil is ready the teacher will appear” It is true for me in more than one way. I was completely lost; I prayed for the light, and it came to me in the form of Leslie Fieger.

All the events in my life make perfect sense to me now that I have started reading Leslie’s wisdom.I understand things now that which I could never understand before.

It is all so simple. And this is the genius of Leslie. He makes the difficult “stuff” easy to understand and easy to apply and blend into your daily life and thus change your life around to a life full of joy, love and purpose.
Prosperity and abundance follow as the result.

Thank you Leslie for helping me get my life back. All the above commentary serves as maybe a "sniff" of what I truly feel about you, Leslie, your work and what you represent in my life. But most of all it does not fully describe the gratefulness I feel, having to know you, and experience all the bliss I have in my life now, because of you. Thank you."
~ Judith Hirsch, Israel

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